One of the major design challenges of Networkon-Chip interconnect is the storage buffers. They occupy a significant portion of the system's area and so they are considered as main "power-hungry" components. Deciding the appropriate buffers size and implementation in these systems is the key technique for increasing system performance and also for reducing overall area and power consumption. However, this goal is very hard to achieve with traditional design approaches, where design decisions of the main architectural parameters are generally made with slow and inaccurate software simulation or theoretical modeling. In order to quickly capture and decide the optimal buffers size and the whole system behavior, we propose in this work an efficient design method for Network-on-Chip architecture based on a novel run-time monitoring mechanism (RMM). The system monitors the traffic flow at different system's resources and sends the monitored run-time traffic information to a specialized controller. In addition, our proposed design method allows to easily compute optimal architecture hardware parameters (i.e Buffer size) and allocate the appropriate values on demand to satisfy the requirements of any given application. The RMM mechanism was designed in hardware and integrated into our NoC system (PNoC) 1 . From the evaluation results, we conclude that the system performance in terms of execution time was about 27% better when compared with traditional design methods over several benchmark programs.