This work presents a triband antenna, which is compact, low profile, and covers the bandwidth requirements for WLAN and WiMAX applications. The proposed design is a modified and miniaturized printed monopole antenna. It consists of beveling rectangular patch, a Pi-shape slot element, and an inverted-L slot element to achieve resonance in three bands. The physical size of the antenna is 27.5 × 20 mm 2 while the electrical size is 0.26 λ 0 × 0.23 λ 0 at the lower operating frequency which is very compact as compared to other triband designs. It works in three bands, that is, 2.37 to 2.52 GHz, 3.35 to 3.90 GHz, and 4.97 to 7.85 GHz with |S 11 | < − 10 dB within these operating bands. The prototype of the proposed miniaturized antenna has been fabricated and the measured results are provided for validation. Antenna performance is studied in terms of input match, gain, radiation efficiency, surface current distributions, and radiation pattern. The antenna shows a nearly omnidirectional radiation pattern with peak efficiency of 90% and acceptable gain of 4 dBi over the three operating bands of WLAN and WiMAX. The prototype of the antenna is fabricated, and simulated results have been verified through measurements. K E Y W O R D S compact, monopole, multiband antenna, slots, WiMAX, WLAN