Objectives: To clarify the effects on the delivery experience of midwives giving parturient females individual explanations about how the course of delivery, using 3D animation software (Delivery Animation). Method: 1) Subjects: Women admitted to Institution A for delivery; 70 in the intervention group (34 primipara, 36 multipara), and 79 (41 primipara, 38 multipara) in the control group. 2) Data collection method: Intervention group; 3) During phases 1 and 2 of delivery, after internal examinations, collaborative-researcher midwives gave parturient women explanations about the course of delivery, using tablets with the Delivery Animation software installed. This software was independently developed by the researchers. On postpartum day 1, the collaborative-researcher midwives distributed anonymous, self-administered questionnaires to the postpartum women. 4) During phases 1 and 2 of delivery, the course of delivery was explained using existing methods, and anonymous, self-administered questionnaires were distributed on postpartum day 1. 5) The intervention group and control group were compared using descriptive and inferential statistics, organized into primipara and multipara. Results: In the Understanding the Delivery Process category, primipara in the intervention group had significantly higher scores for "understood baby's rotation" (p < 0.01) and "understood progress through delivery" (p < 0.05). In multipara, the intervention group scored significantly higher for "understood baby's rotation" (p < 0.01). In the anonymous self-evaluation, primipara in the intervention group scored significantly higher in "midwife I could trust was by my