Abstract. Robotics has played an increasingly important role in several sectors of the society. Nowadays, robots are not only used to support activities in factories, but also to assist house cleaning, border surveillance, and even surgeries. The variety of application domains and the rising complexity are challenging the design of robotic systems that control such robots. In this perspective, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been adopted as a promising architectural style to design large, complex robotic systems in a flexible and reusable manner. Several Service-Oriented Robotic Systems (SORS) have been developed in the recent years and a large number of services are available for reuse. Nevertheless, none of the environments dedicated to the development of SORS provide an efficient mechanism for publishing and discovering services. As a consequence, services for SORS have to be manually searched, reducing significantly the potential of reuse and productivity provided by SOA. This paper presents RoboSeT, a mechanism that supports cataloging and discovery of services for robotic systems. RoboSeT is based on semantic search and classifies the services using a taxonomy of the robotics domain. Results of our case study indicate that RoboSeT facilitates the development of robotic systems, since it presents the potential to widely promote reusability of services for SORS.