Effective light extraction from optically active solid-state
centers inside high-index semiconductor host crystals is an important
factor in integrating these pseudo-atomic centers in wider quantum
systems. Here, we report increased fluorescent light collection efficiency
from laser-written nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in bulk diamond facilitated
by micro-transfer printed GaN solid immersion lenses. Both laser-writing
of NV centers and transfer printing of micro-lens structures are compatible
with high spatial resolution, enabling deterministic fabrication routes
toward future scalable systems development. The micro-lenses are integrated
in a noninvasive manner, as they are added on top of the unstructured
diamond surface and bonded by van der Waals forces. For emitters at
5 μm depth, we find approximately 2× improvement of fluorescent
light collection using an air objective with a numerical aperture
of NA = 0.95 in good agreement with simulations. Similarly, the solid
immersion lenses strongly enhance light collection when using an objective
with NA = 0.5, significantly improving the signal-to-noise ratio of
the NV center emission while maintaining the NV’s quantum properties
after integration.