A novel wideband, low-profile and second-order miniaturized band-pass frequency selective surface (FSS) made of metallic mesh and its complementary structures with skewed arrays of modified triples is presented in this paper. Compared with traditional second-order bandpass FSSs obtained using λ/4 apart from one another, the novel FSS with an overall thickness of λ/18 is composed of three metallic layers (the outside and middle layers are complementary) separated by two electric thin dielectric substrates. This arrangement can shorten the inter-element spacing and increase the bandwidth, while the up and bottom metallic layers can constitute a symmetric biplanar FSS and thus realize ability of maximally flat second-order bandpass response. The novel FSS has a −3 dB bandwidth about 8.2 GHz (6.9 -15.1 GHz) and a fractional bandwidth exceeds 75%. Moreover, such an FSS has the merits of stable performance for incident angles within 50° and different polarizations. The principles of operation along with guidelines for the design of the proposed FSS, the simulated results by vector modal matching method, and the experimental values of the fabricated prototype are also presented and discussed.