Chapter 1
Environmental change in a warming Arctic: a problem of global concernArctic environments have traditionally occupied our imagination as the harshest and most untouchable regions on earth. In recent decades this perspective is shifting as Arctic environments show drastic changes in a warming climate, the impacts of which may be felt far beyond the Arctic itself. The Arctic is now warming three times faster than the global average (AMAP 2021). As a result, Arctic ecosystems are showing fundamental changes in hydrology, snow and ice dynamics and vegetation (Notz and Stroeve 2016, Box et al. 2019, Richter-Menge et al. 2020, AMAP 2021. Apart from gradual temperature increases, the occurrence of extreme conditions is increasing, including heavy precipitation, drought spells and heat waves (AMAP 2021, IPCC 2021). These changes have far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, infrastructure and the livelihoods and safety of Arctic communities (