The call center industry within the Philippines has been seen continuously growing throughout the years to the point that it overtook India as the world’s call center capital. Non-voice agents are a type of call center agent that do tasks that do not require them to talk on the phone or answer to any queries, yet they are still able to help the business. Performance management is often done within the industry as it helps the manager understand what areas the employees are having difficulty in and if coaching is necessary. However, with the number of agents that they are handling, it makes it difficult for the manager to pull up files and keep track of their agents. Therefore, a platform that monitors and manages the performance of their agents in an efficient and easier manner is needed. The study aims to develop a web application to be used by the chosen Healthcare IT BPO call center manager in monitoring and tracking the performance assessments, eligibility for monthly and annual rewards, and the amount of subsequent disciplinary actions for their non-voice agents. The researchers utilize PHP and MySQL in developing the web application. The system was stress tested which showed that it was capable of handling multiple hosts and functionality tested which showed that all its functions were working properly. 85.55 or “Excellent” was the score given by the respondents who used the application after calculating the results of the survey. The study concludes that the system developed for the company provided a platform to effectively manage their recording and assessment of agent’s performance and eligibility for rewards.