A single-stage amplifier circuits containing transistor as BJT or FET transistor were designed for the microwave application using S-parameters, and developed as a lumped circuit then converted to its equivalent microstrip distributed circuits on different substrates such as Alumina ( r =9.8) and Beryllia ( r =6.3). The output results as power gain G p , noise figure NF, and stability factor K were obtained. These results were compared with other published worked included circuits having the same conditions. The comparison shows that in case of the feedback applied to the circuit the G p achieved about (~1.5) dB for BJT circuits along (0.6-1) GHz and noise figure increased about double, where for FET circuit the increasing in G p about (7) dB along (2) GHz, and noise figure was less than BJT circuit. The physical characteristics are discussed with respect to substrate and show that the substrate with high permittivity was helpful to reach the higher operating frequency and good power gain values.