Abstract. Metal Fused Filament Fabrication is an Additive Manufacturing method of manufacturing metal parts by using filaments composed of metal powders encased in plastic binders. It is advantageous for manufacturing parts with complex geometries using a wide range of materials, including stainless steel, copper, tool steel, nickel alloys, and titanium. When support structures are not required, complex parts with interior cavities can be produced using this method. In this study, interior channel cross sections for cold plates, the main elements in cooling high-power electronic units, are designed and fabricated without the use of support structures. Specimens are made of 17-4 PH stainless steel and copper using the method with two different systems. Straight and angled interior channels are fabricated separately to investigate the characteristics of supportless manufacturing and observe the sagging or warping effects on the liquid channel faces. Surface roughness and Coordinate Measuring Machine measurements are performed for parts to check if the quality requirements are fulfilled in terms of shrinkage and assembly. Density is determined for parts using the Archimedes method and compared with the porosity results obtained from Scanning Electron Microscope.