Reconfigurable multirotors (RMs) with flexible frames and integrated mechanical compliance are increasingly explored to develop multifunctional aerial robots with high power-to-weight ratios. In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art research on RMs and classify them into three broad categories as tiltrotors, multimodal and foldable RMs. The RMs with the ability to arbitrarily orient their thrust by employing tilting rotors are classified as tiltrotors, the multirotors with multi modal locomotion capabilities by transforming the chassis into land/water propulsion systems are classified as multimodal RMs, and those which can alter the size of the chassis are labelled as foldable RMs. Existing platforms are analyzed from three different perspectives-mechanical design, challenges of low-level control and high level motion planning techniques. Finally, we identify the critical parameters for design optimization, and discuss the issues associated with developing a common control and motion planning algorithm that can leverage any RM's features to demonstrate successful autonomous body frame i i th Rotor's spin velocity N ∈ ℝ n Vector of squared rotor spin velocities k i ∈ ℝ Constant to calculate torque generated by ith motor ∈ ℝ Event trigger i ∈ 1 i th Rotor tilt angle i ∈ 1 i th Arm folding angle A ∈ ℝ 3×3 Control allocation matrix A g ∈ ℝ 3×3 Control allocation matrix in ground mode Abbreviations LLFC Low-level flight controller HLMP High-level motion plannning MoCap Indoor motion capture system * Karishma Patnaik