With the development of integrated circuits, digital-to-analog converter (DAC), as a bridge between the analog world and the digital world, is more and more used in the way of integrated circuits on chips. In this context, a 16-bit R-2R DAC for high-precision sensors is proposed in this paper, which is realized by a 0.18 μm process. The DAC adopts a resistor voltage divider type to meet the requirements of low noise and low power consumption and uses a segmented structure to reduce the number of CMOS switches. The switch structure is optimized to reduce channel charge injection, and the resistance matching of switch resistance and feedback resistance achieves high precision requirements. After the design is completed, through pre-simulation, special layout drawing, and post-simulation, the final sampling frequency is 0.8 MHz ∼ 3.2 MHz, and the voltage output is 10 ∼ 14 V after a high-voltage operational amplifier. The spectrum analysis shows that the noise floor is about -135 dB, the power consumption of the core structure of the DAC is about 0.5 mW, and the signal-to-noise ratio is about 87 dB. This project has achieved good performance indicators and can play a role in high-precision sensors.