This chapter outlines the co-design process for the 'Let's meet up!' electronic system created to facilitate and maintain social engagement for people living with dementia. The system was developed by a multi-disciplinary team of researchers and people living with dementia using coproduction methods. 'Let's meet up!' was created as part of the European MinD project 'Designing for people with Dementia'. It is a hybrid board and electronic system that allows people with dementia to stay in touch with their loved ones and to remain physically active by arranging joint activities through a simple, user-friendly tangible interface.Co-design was used throughout the research and development process of -data collection, design idea development, decision making, design concept, and prototype development phases, to ensure the relevance and appropriateness of those ideas, concepts and prototypes for people with dementia. Within this process, co-production was increasingly used to enable groups of experts with experience (GEE) to co-host and co-curate the co-design sessions, and to take ownership of the process, which then allowed for instances of co-creation.The chapter explains the integrated process of research and GEE activity evident within the design development through co-design and co-production, and draws out recommendations for this symbiotic way of working giving both its benefits and limitations.