High-directivity and low-loss directional couplers, based on Empty Substrate Integrated Coaxial Line (ESICL) technology, are presented in this article. The proposed coupled line direcional couplers, are based on combination of a high-isolation section, a tapering transition based on splines between the access lines and high-isolation sections, reduced-width coupled lines, and inclined arms. The design evolution has justified the combination and precise adjustment of these elements, proving to be a solution for enhancing directivity, reducing return losses, and attaining a more stable coupling coefficient. The use of the ESICL technology exhibits significant promise in terms of electrical performance, bandwidth, seamless integration with other planar circuits, and manufacturing simplicity. For comparison purposes, two directional couplers, with the same coupling coefficient but different operation frequencies, have been designed and manufactured. Additionally, a microstrip coupler has been designed and manufactured for comparison. The simulated and measured results clearly indicate that ESICL directional couplers outperform their microstrip counterparts in terms of losses and directivity, without the need for additional lumped elements or complex geometries.INDEX TERMS Empty substrate integrated coaxial line, directional couplers, transition, substrate integrated circuit, tapering structure, high directivity
I. INTRODUCTIONT HE operating frequency of the satellite communication industry reveals a growing trend, moving towards the Ku, K, and Ka frequency bands [1]. This interest arises from the new communication systems requirements, particularly for emerging satellite communication systems based on small satellites, picosatellites, or nanosatellites, which demand higher bandwidth and throughput levels. This technological trend, while unable to entirely replace conventional satellite systems based on large satellites, introduces new paradigms in the development of novel and compact technological solutions. Consequently, this presents a significant challenge for microwave engineers, as they must develop passive components and equipment, such as filters, diplexers, antennas, and others, that strike a balance between electrical performance requirements, volume, weight, and manufacturing cost.Conventional communication satellite systems usually employ a payload implemented with waveguide technology, at least for the output stage. These components offer highquality electrical performance, high power-handling capabilities, and mechanical robustness [2]. However, they have significant drawbacks, including being bulky, heavy, expensive, and challenges while integrating other technologies. As an alternative, planar technologies, such as microstrip, coplanar,