The design of the modification of JT-60U, JT-60SA has been optimized from the viewpoint of plasma performance, and operation regimes have been evaluated with the latest design. Upper and lower divertors with different geometries will be prepared for flexibility of the plasma shape, which will enable both low aspect ratio (A ∼ 2.65) and ITER shape (A = 3.1) configurations. The beam lines of negative-ion neutral beam injection will be shifted downwards by ∼0.6 m for the off-axis current drive (CD), in order to obtain a weak/reversed shear plasma, as well as having the capability of heating the central region. The feedback control coils along the openings in the stabilizing plate are found effective in suppressing the resistive wall mode and sustaining high βN close to the ideal wall limit. Sustainment of plasma current of 3–3.5 MA for 100 s will be possible in ELMy H-mode plasmas with moderate heating power, βN, and density within an available flux swing. It is also expected that higher βN, high-density ELMy H-mode plasmas will be maintained for 100 s with higher heating power. The expected regime of full CD operation has been extended with upgraded heating and CD power. Full CD operation for 100 s with reactor-relevant high values of normalized beta and bootstrap current fraction (Ip = 2.4 MA, βN = 4.3, fBS = 0.69,
, HH98y2 = 1.3) is expected in a highly-shaped low-aspect-ratio configuration (A = 2.65).