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Preface to "25th Anniversary of Molecules-Recent Advances in Analytical Chemistry"Analytical chemistry between the 20th and 21st centuries is almost entirely instrumental analytical chemistry. The use of analytical instruments in experimental studies related to molecular biology, medicine, geology, food science, materials science, environmental science, etc., is crucial for gathering important information for the understanding of the investigated phenomena. Nowadays, the widespread usage of a large number of analytical techniques used for analysis of variety of analytes in different matrices raises the question of the correctness of the obtained analytical data. This volume, which gathers 16 contributions (13 research articles and 3 reviews) covering different areas of analytical chemistry, aims to be a small but qualified contribution representing a sample of the potential applications of modern methods of instrumental analytical chemistry to solve real problems in multiple research fields. The selected scientific papers point out that a comprehensive validation is key for obtaining reliable analytical information from the implemented complex analytical procedures. Many of these contributions deal with the development and application of chromatographic methods interfaced with mass spectrometry, but also spectroscopic, electrochemical and separation methods to real matrices. We really hope that this volume will be of interest, not only for analytical chemists but also for scientists working in areas where trustworthy analytical data are needed.