Until quite recently, stem cell technology mainly focused on pure populations of embryonic stem cells (ES) derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Using organoids, a newly established culture technique, it is now possible to culture also organ and patient-specific adult stem (AS) and induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells in vitro. Furthermore, it has been shown that adult stem cells, grown as organoids, are genetically stable, proliferate and maintain their multi-potency (often a bi-potency) for months. This is possible by providing conditions that recapitulate the stem cell niche of the corresponding organ. Particularly, defined growth factors and a physiological scaffold, which is provided by an extracellular matrix (ECM). Because of increasing research activities, organoids became influential in the recent years. Wide-ranging interest also led to a clearer definition: organoids must contain multiple organ-specific cell types, must be able to recapitulate some organ specific functions, and the cells must be spatially organized in a way similar to the organ they are derived from. The excitement about organoids is based on their high potential as a model to understand wound healing, cellular behaviour and differentiation processes in organogenesis. Furthermore, high potential in the drug development and in personalized stem cell therapeutic approaches has been shown. Specifically, for personalized stem cell therapy, one potential application is for chronic autoimmune diseases such as Diabetes type 1 (T1D). T1D is characterized by the immune-mediated destruction of ß-cells in the Pancreas that leads to absolute insulin deficiency. In T1D the first-line therapeutic approach is exogenous insulin replacement therapy, which always implicates the risk of high fluctuations in blood-sugar levels and therefore the risk of hypoglycaemia. Another therapeutic approach is the xenotransplantation of islets from human donors. A successful islet transplantation allows patients a years-long insulin independence. However, the therapeutic value of islet transplantation is highly limited by the availability of organ donors and by the need for chronic administration of immune suppressive medication. The use of pancreas organoids offers a promising alternative as a personalized cell therapeutic approach to treat T1D without the hypoglycaemia risks of the established therapies. In 2013 Meritxell Huch and colleagues established for the first-time organoids from the exocrine, ductal part of the pancreas. These pancreas organoids are characterized by a monolayered, spherical cell epithelium which comprises a liquid filled lumen. In addition, they showed that after transplantation of these cells into immunodeficient mice, they differentiate into ß-cells and cure T1D. However, basic knowledge of the culture growth behaviour is still lacking: to date, no growth parameters are defined and reliable and robust investigation approaches are still missing. Furthermore, basic knowledge about the organoid development and biochemical/biophysical mechanisms that generate the phenotypic structure are not identified. For a clinical approach these parameters are fundamental and therefore must be defined pre-clinically. The aim of this study is the preclinical characterization of the hPOs...