Objectiveto describe strategies used by health professionals on the implementation of the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines for the prevention of
urinary infection related to catheterism. Methodsystematic review on literature based on data from CINAHL(r), Nursing & Allied
Health Collection, Cochrane Plus Collection, MedicLatina, MEDLINE(r), Academic
Search Complete, ACS - American Chemical Society, Health Reference Center
Academic, Nursing Reference Center, ScienceDirect Journals and Wiley Online
Library. A sample of 13 articles was selected. Resultsstudies have highlighted the decrease of urinary tract infection related to
catheterism through reminder systems to decrease of people submitted to urinary
catheterism, audits about nursing professionals practice and bundles expansion.
Conclusionthe present review systemizes the knowledge of used strategies by health
professionals on introduction to international recommendations, describing a rate
decrease of such infection in clinical practice.