“…Charki, Josserand, & Boukef, (2017) define UITU as "technology use that is either illegal or morally unacceptable to the larger community". There are a number of current theoretical models based on explaining the factors of unethical use of information technology: the model of unethical usage of information technology (Chatterjee, 2005), unethical behavioural model in the Social Networking Sites context (Jafarkarimi, Saadatdoost, Sim, & Hee, 2016), a casual model for ethical behavioural intention of IT (Seif, 2016). The main ethical issues that arise from the impact of technology use in educational activities are the following (Akcay, 2008;Ashman et al, 2014;Brey, 2007;Cilliers, 2017): privacy, security and ownership of personal data, hacking, intellectual property, netiquette, vandalism, access, accuracy of inferencing, the effect of personalization on individual capability, the commodification of education, improper use of computer resources, academic dishonesty in online assessment, anonymity and pseudonymity, online harassment and hate speech, academic freedom and free speech online.…”