“…A lot of variation between the study designs and research methods was identified (Supplementary file 3, http://links.lww.com/JPS/A613). The designs used in more than one study were observational simulation studies (n = 8), 48,53,67,83,85,88,89,91 retrospective analysis of drug preparation reports (n = 6), 47,51,57,59,60,93 mixed-methods studies (n = 5), 63,64,68,69,76 observational studies (n = 5), 49,50,56,58,81 retrospective analysis of smart infusion pump alert log data (n = 5), 55,62,77,80,82 studies measuring costs or cost effectiveness of the studied defense (n = 4), 66,74,87,90 observational intervention studies (n = 3), 61,71,73 retrospective or observational studies measuring drug consumption (n = 2), 52,79 chart reviews (n = 2), 70,72 and studies to design and develop systemic defenses (n = 2) 65,92 . Other methods included an analysis of administration error reports (n = 1), 54 a survey study (n = 1), 84 healthcare failure mode and effects analysis (HFMEA) (n = 1), 86 a systematic review (n = 1), 78 and a systematic review with a meta-analysis (n = 1) 75 …”