The discovery of superconducting and insulating states in magic angle twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) 1,2 has ignited considerable interest in understanding the nature of electronic interactions in this chemically pristine material system.
The phenomenological similarity of the MATBG transport properties as a functionof doping with those of the high-Tc cuprates and other unconventional superconductors 1,2,3 suggests the possibility that MATBG may be a highly interacting system. However, there have not been any direct experimental evidence for strong many-body correlations in MATBG. Here we provide such evidence from using high-resolution spectroscopic measurements, as a function of carrier density, with a scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). We find MATBG to display unusual spectroscopic characteristics that can be attributed to electron-electron interactions over a wide range of doping, including when superconductivity emerges in this system. We show that our measurements cannot be explained with a mean-field approach for modeling electron-electron interaction in MATBG. The breakdown of a mean-field approach for understanding the properties of other correlated superconductors, such as cuprates, has long inspired the study of highly correlated Hubbard model 3 . We experimental effort has come from NSF-MRSEC programs through the Princeton