Interdependence construction is the gradual formation of mutual relationships between people. In this study, the area is narrowed to interdependencies at work, in long term projects or groups. Viewing interdependence relationships dynamically, as social practices, it is possible to appreciate the complex and situated nature of this formation. The main goal of the study is to develop a theoretical account of the dynamics of the intertwined processes of interdependence construction and collaborative technology appropriation and use. The main dimensions of this account are: (1) how interdependence is constructed and established as a social process, (2) how information and communication are involved in these processes, and (3) in what ways collaborative information technology can contribute to or hamper these processes. Three earlier case studies are revisited using it. The theoretical approach opens up an extensive research program of interdependence construction in relation to collaborative information technology appropriation and use.Keywords: Interdependence, collaboration, collaborative infonnation technology, structuration theory, infonnation, communication
IntroductionInterdependence construction is the gradual fonnation of mutual relationships between people. In this study, the area is narrowed to interdependencies at work, in long tenn projects or groups. Thus, the interdependencies to be studied here concern doing something together over a period of time. Interdependence construction and its reverse, interdependence dismantling, take place continuously in organizations, for example, when task forces or project organizations are fonned, or when work tasks are reorganized.Traditionally, interdependence relationships have been looked at from two perspectives, either as interdependence between people or as interdependence between work tasks (Mintzberg 1979: workflow, process, scale, and social interdependencies). In separating work tasks and people, these perspectives provide only relatively narrow and clear cut views on what could be assumed to be a wide variety of fonns and appearances. They also may remain insensitive to the complex and situated nature ofinterdependencies (Weick 1979). Most importantly, they may lead to a static view of what may be a very dynamic relationship.In this study, therefore, the focus is on social practices: the relationships are not considered separately, but the attention is on people engaging in action and interaction. Interdependencies are then seen as constantly constructed and reconstructed social practices (Giddens 1984), that is, repetitive, patterned, and reciprocal action and interaction (Weick 1979, p. 46). Interdependence construction is then creating or reconstructing patterns of action and interaction where two or more people are mutually dependent on each other.Interdependence construction may be expected to take different fonns when the relationships are mediated. The mediator of interest in this study is collaborative infonnation technology (CIT). CIT is a label ...