“…According to this review, the most frequently reported barriers to the implementation of telemedicine services are cost 17,18,20,21,16,22,[23][24][25] and infrastructure. 13,17,18,21,22,24,26 The initial cost of establishing telemedicine services is very high, and to function telemedicine services in rural or remote areas for underserved communities needs telecommunication expenses, training (health personnel and 20 2013 Cross-sectional Cost, technical support, internet connection Mengesha et al 27 2013 Case study An internet connection and technical support system Abera et al 21 2014 Mixed method Cost, availability of technical support, Internet connection, ICT infrastructure, technological infrastructure, readiness, staff turnover Medhanyie et al 13 2015 Cross-sectional Health system, resistance to change, ICT infrastructure, awareness, language, poor application design, and technically challenged staff. Xue et al 16 2015 Cross-sectional The technical support system, resistance to change, anxiety, costs Dusabe-Richards et al 19 2016 Mixed-method Network coverage, technical support system, language, phone (mobile), socioeconomic status Barkman and Weinehall 22 2017 Descriptive case report Reimbursement, infrastructures, cost Biruk and Abetu 32 2018 Cross-sectional awareness Steege et al 23 2018 Costs, level of education, culture, phone (mobile), awareness Shiferaw et al 24 2018 Cross-sectional Cost, health system, culture, staff turnover, ICT infrastructure, electricity, phone (mobile), service integration, internet, awareness Harding et al 25 2019 Descriptive case report Electricity, e-health literacy, health system, telecommunication service, cost, internet connection, phone (mobile), human resources Dessie Gashu et al 26 2020 RCT ICT infrastructure, e-health literacy, phone (smart mobile)…”