We investigate symmetry-protected topological water waves within a strategically engineered square lattice system. Thus far, symmetry-protected topological modes in hexagonal systems have primarily been studied in electromagnetism and acoustics, i.e. dispersionless media. Herein, we show experimentally how crucial geometrical properties of square structures allow for topological transport that is ordinarily forbidden within conventional hexagonal structures. We perform numerical simulations that take into account the inherent dispersion within water waves and devise a topological insulator that supports symmetry-protected transport along the domain walls. Our measurements, viewed with a high-speed camera under stroboscopic illumination, unambiguously demonstrate the valley-locked transport of water waves within a non-hexagonal structure. Due to the tunability of the energy's directionality by geometry our results could be used for developing highly-efficient energy harvesters, filters and beam-splitters within dispersive media.Considerable recent activity in wave phenomena is motivated through topological effects and focused on identifying situations where topological protection occurs that can enhance, or create, robust wave guidance along edges or interfaces. Remarkably, the core concepts that gave rise to topological insulators, originating within quantum mechanics 2 carry across, in part, to classical wave systems 3,4 . Topological insulators can be divided into two broad categories: those that preserve time-reversal symmetry (TRS), and those which break it. We concentrate upon the former due to the simplicity of their construction that solely requires passive elements. By leveraging the discrete valley degrees of freedom, arising from degenerate extrema in Fourier space, we are able to create robust symmetry-protected waveguides. These valley states are connected to the quantum valley-Hall effect and hence this research area has been named valleytronics 5,6 .Hexagonal structures are the prime candidates for valleytronic devices as they exhibit symmetry induced Dirac cones at the high-symmetry points of the Brillouin zone (BZ); when perturbed these Dirac points can be gapped, leading to well-defined KK valleys distinguished, from each other, by their opposite chirality or pseudospin.This pseudospin has been used in a wide variety of dispersionless wave settings to design valleytronic devices 7,8 . Here we extend the earlier research by examining a highlydispersive physical system, i.e. water waves (Fig. 1), and move away from hexagonal structures. The topological proa) Electronic tection afforded by these valley states is attributed to, both, the orthogonality of the pseudospins as well as the Fourier separation between the two valleys 9 . The vast majority of the valleytronics literature, inspired by graphene, opts to use hexagonal structures [10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19] . However a negative that emerges with these, especially when dealing with complex topological domains 9 , is that certain prop...