The development of noxological culture in students of pedagogical educational institutions is an urgent issue, as it is associated with the state of protection of the individual and society from internal and external threats in everyday life. The purpose of the study was to analyse the discipline “Occupational Safety and Health”, which plays an important role in understanding the potential hazards associated with human activities and forms risk-oriented thinking. The following methods were used in the research process to establish the relationship between noxological culture and the safety of future teachers: elementary-theoretical analysis and synthesis of factual material, axiomatic method, and generalisation. The concept of noxology and noxological culture of personality is considered. As a result of the study, it was determined that noxological culture constitutes an important structural component of life safety, and forms an integral part of the professional culture of every future specialist. The important role of the discipline “Occupational Safety and Health” in the development of noxological culture of students is determined. The components of noxological competence are considered. The important role of pedagogical higher education in the process of development of scientifically substantiated criteria of possible risk is identified. The study of the above discipline forms a system of knowledge regarding the nature of hazards, their features and ways to reduce risk and their occurrence