The main goal of the research is to develop a method for accounting for uncertain data on scenarios for the development of emergency situations in nuclear reactors of a new generation. The method involves reducing the number of deterministic analogs (ideally, to two), in which the problems of reactor optimization (mathematical programming) should be solved. The proposed method is much more efficient in comparison with traditional techniques based on the use of uniformly distributed sequences. With the same accuracy, it was possible to reduce the calculation time by an order of magnitude. As an example, the layout of the BN-800 type reactor with sodium coolant and nitride fuel is considered. The most dangerous emergency situations - ATWS (anticipated transient without scram) - are considered. The researches carried out by the author make it possible to obtain the characteristics of a new generation reactor, which are optimal for a given criterion, in which severe accidents are excluded. This is the significance of research. The method can be used to study reactors of various types. The method is relevant at the initial stages of reactor development.