The focus of this research is to increase the reliability of mobile cargo ropeways formed by autonomous selfpropelled transport units. The article deals with the development of a method for forming an effective technical and economic strategy for the restoration during planned repairs of those structural elements of transport units that can lead to critical failures of the ropeway. The method involves predicting the kinetics of the probability of failure-free operation of the ropeway during the entire life of its operation on the basis of predicting the failure-free operation of key elements of the transport units, the failure of which leads to an emergency disruption of the ropeway. In the process of integrating the system of Chapman-Kolmogorov differential equations, its periodic reformation is performed at the time of planned repairs, which allows us to take into account the need for a discrete change in the probability of failure-free operation of the restored structural elements. As a criterion for the optimality of the repairs strategy, the condition for obtaining the minimum total cost of repairs is used, while ensuring the average probability of failure-free operation. The formation of such an optimal strategy includes planning the schedules, number, time points, volume and cost of restoration work. The effectiveness of the repair strategy is determined by the total number of planned repairs and the minimum permissible probability of critical failure of structural elements. Conditions have been established under which further improvement of the level of ropeway reliability becomes an economically unprofitable task.