Le foreste urbane ai tempi del COVID-19 ci proteggono dalle polveri sottili Silvano Fares (1-6) , Giovanni Sanesi (2-6) , Giorgio Vacchiano (3-6) , Fabio Salbitano (4-6) , Marco Marchetti (5-6) Urban forests at the time of COVID-19 protect us from fine dust In these days, the role that fine particles in urban areas could play in facilitating the pandemic spread of the COVID-19 virus is becoming increasingly important. It is also well known that exposure to air pollution and in particular to fine dust favors diseases involving the respiratory system. In this context of strong concern, we argue that urban forests can contribute to reduce the concentrations of particulates or in any increase their dispersion. Not all tree species have the same performance in removing particulates. In this short article, recent works are commented that classify urban forest species according to their ability to reduce particulate matter ambient concentrations, and we conclude highlighting the significant role that urban forests could play in improving air quality and human wellbeing in the future.