Objective: The purpose of this study is to explore the clinical characteristics and therapeutic methods of aggressive fibromatosis (AF) in skull. Methods: The clinical data and operative therapy of one case of aggressive fibromatosis in skull in our department were examined and reviewed. The associated literatures were reviewed and discussed. Results: It was indicated that the main manifestation of AF in skull was headache and skull tumor. There was prominent osteolytic destruction found in X-ray plain film for skull AF. And CT scanning showed that skull sclerotin was disorganized and inhomogeneous, with widen diploe. The skull fibromatosis constituted by fibroblasts and myofibroblas, which were mainly spindle-shaped without heteromorphism. Immunohistochemistry showed positive expression of β-catenin and Vim in these cells. The enlarged incision was adopted for the strategy of operation in this patient of skull AF. After follow-up, there was no recurrence of AF discovered. Conclusions: Skull AF is very rare in neurosurgical clinic. The clinical manifestation and iconography of AF were lack of specificity. Therefore, skull AF is hard to diagnose preoperatively. The effective diagnose is mainly dependant on histopathologic examination. As for treatment, operation is the most optimal method so far, which has a good therapeutic effect.