SummaryCoupling of full adsorption-desorption and sizeexclusion chromatography (FAD-SEC) has been applied to the separation and molecular characterization of three-and four-component polymer blends. The method is based on the full adsorption of all n or n -1 components of the polymer blend in a specially designed FAD minicolumn. By appropriate eluent switching the adsorbed polymer s are desorbed stepwise from the FAD minicolumn into an on-line SEC column for molecular characterization. It is shown that the desorption isotherms of particular blend components give valuable information about the appropriate displacer composition. The exact position of the desorption isotherms depends, however, both on the amount of polymer adsorbed and in the presence of other, chemically different, polymers within FAD column. The nature and composition of the displacer must, therefore, be adjusted if the intervals between the desorption of particular blend components are to be large enough to prevent displacement overlap.