Pluto, Titan, and Triton, are all low-temperature environments with a N2/CH4/CO atmospheric composition on which solar radiation drives an intense organic photochemistry. Titan is rich in atmospheric hazes and Cassini-Huygens observations showed their formation initiates with the production of large molecules through ion-neutral reactions. New Horizons revealed that optical hazes are also ubiquitous in Pluto's atmosphere and it is thought that similar haze formation pathways are active in this atmosphere as well. However, we show here that Pluto's hazes may contain a major organic ice component (dominated by C4H2 ice) from the direct condensation of the primary photochemical products in this atmosphere. This contribution may imply that haze has a less important role in controlling Pluto's atmospheric thermal balance compared to Titan. Moreover, we expect that the haze composition of Triton is dominated by C2H4 ice. Pluto's atmosphere is the equivalent of Titan's upper atmosphere above 400 km altitude, with comparable CH4, CO, and N2 density profiles and pressure scale heights 1 . Photochemistry models for these environments demonstrate that the anticipated chemical products are similar 2,3 , therefore Pluto's hazes are thought to be of a similar nature based on molecular growth 4 (see Methods for haze nomenclature). The fraction of the mass flux generated from the photolysis of Titan's main atmospheric composition that ends in haze particles is ~30% 5,6 . Such a yield for Pluto's haze would suggest a mass flux of ~6x10 -15 gcm -2 s -1 (all reported mass fluxes are referred to Pluto's surface). However, the opacity of particles characterizing such a mass flux falls short of the available observations and a twice-higher haze formation efficiency is required to generate enough material to reproduce the UV extinction observations below 200 km 7 . As Pluto's upper atmosphere is much colder than Titan's (~70K compared to ~150K for Titan, see Fig. 1), an increased haze yield for Pluto is surprising. On the other hand, the photochemical gases produced on Pluto may condense at lower pressures than on Titan (Fig. 1). Therefore organic ices could be responsible for, or at least contribute to, the formation of the observed hazes in Pluto's atmosphere. We explore the extent of this contribution using coupled models of atmospheric photochemistry and microphysics, and following the evolution of the organic ice haze particles from their formation in the upper atmosphere to their sedimentation on Pluto's surface. The models are adapted from previous studies of photochemistry and microphysics in Titan's atmosphere, taking into account high-resolution energy