“…To date, is sues con cern ing with the plu to nium iso topes ac cu mu la tion in near sur face en vi ron ment, e. g., its long-term stor age and dis posal, have been dis cussed and an a lyzed ex ten sively. These in clude re views of the en vi ron men tal trans port of pluto nium [12,13], eval u a tions of global fall out from atmo spheric nu clear weap ons tests of the 1950s and 1960s [14][15][16], anal y ses of plu to nium iso topes in the air [17,18], and ex per i men tal and mod el ling stud ies of trans port mech a nisms [19][20][21][22]. Nev er the less, re ports on ap proaches to es tab lish ing ac tiv ity lim its for transuranic nuclides, i. e., 239 Pu, as well as their il lus trations, are lack ing, par tic u larly in China, where lim ited gen eral re search on the con cept of in ter me di ate depth dis posal for ra dio ac tive waste is avail able [23].…”