Transport properties of high-energy-density plasmas are influenced by the ion collision rate. Traditionally, this rate involves the Coulomb logarithm, ln Λ. Typical values of ln Λ are ≈ 10 to 20 in kinetic theories where transport properties are dominated by weak-scattering events caused by long-range forces. The validity of these theories breaks down for strongly-coupled plasmas, when ln Λ is of order one. We present measurements and simulations of collision data in strongly-coupled plasmas when ln Λ is small. Experiments are carried out in the first dual-species ultracold neutral plasma (UNP), using Ca + and Yb + ions. We find strong collisional coupling between the different ion species in the bulk of the plasma. We simulate the plasma using a two-species fluid code that includes Coulomb logarithms derived from either a screened Coulomb potential or a the potential of mean force. We find generally good agreement between the experimental measurements and the simulations. With some improvements, the mixed Ca + and Yb + dual-species UNP will be a promising platform for testing theoretical expressions for ln Λ and collision cross-sections from kinetic theories through measurements of energy relaxation, stopping power, two-stream instabilities, and the evolution of sculpted distribution functions in an idealized environment in which the initial temperatures, densities, and charge states are accurately known.