“…• New sentiment analysis-based interpretation of adversarial example detection and meticulous selection of TextCNN for sentiment analysis, through rigorous experimental comparisons with other candidate neural network structures; • New modular design of an embedding layer, which reshapes and embeds the differently-sized, 3D hidden-layer feature maps of a DNN to word vectors with equal length (and assembles sentences for sentiment analysis) using the minimum number of trainable parameters; • Extensive experiments that corroborate the superior effectiveness and generalization ability of the proposed adversarial example detector under the latest adversarial example attacks compared to the state-of-the-art adversarial example detectors. The experiments demonstrate that the new adversarial example detector consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art detection algorithms, such as LID [5], DkNN [6], NNIF [7], BE-YOND [9], PNDetector [10] and Mahalanobis algorithm [8], in identifying the latest attacks, including AutoAttack [15], DeepFool [13] and EAD [14], on the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN datasets. We use Bhattacharyya distance [16], hidden layer visualization, and ablation study to shed insight on the gain of the new detector.…”