Interim and summative assessments often are used to make decisions about student writing skills and needs for instruction, but the extent to which different raters and score types might introduce bias for some groups of students is largely unknown. To evaluate this possibility, we analyzed interim writing assessments and state summative test data for 2,621 students in Grades 3-11. Both teachers familiar with students and researchers unaware of students' identifying characteristics evaluated the interim assessments with analytic rubrics. Teachers assigned higher scores on the interim assessments than researchers. Female students had higher scores than males, and English learners (ELs), students eligible for free or reduced-price school lunch (FRL), and students eligible for special education (SPED) had lower scores than other students. These differences were smaller with researcher compared to teacher ratings. Across grade levels, interim assessment scores were similarly predictive of state rubric scores, scale scores, and proficiency designations across student groups. However, students identified as Hispanic, FRL, EL, or SPED had lower scale scores and a lower likelihood of reaching proficiency on the state exam. For this reason, these students' risk of unsuccessful performance on the state exam would be greater than predicted when based on interim assessment scores. These findings highlight the potential importance of masking student identities when evaluating writing to reduce scoring bias and suggest that the written composition portions of high-stakes writing examinations may be less biased against historically marginalized groups than the multiple choice portions of these exams.
Impact and ImplicationsThis study examined the extent to which there may be bias in evaluating students' writing performance in Grades 3-11, which has implications for the use of writing assessment scores to make instructional decisions. Findings suggest scoring bias might exist among teacher ratings of written compositions for some groups of students (e.g., English learners, students in special education, and students on free or reduced-price lunch), and group differences were apparent in the multiple choice items on the state writing assessment. Bias in writing assessment might be reduced with the use of composition tests (as opposed to multiple choice items) and by having raters who are well trained and masked to students' identities score those compositions.