Social-media has great impact on society by spreading news which can be fake or real without analysis. Before confessing the news predictions has to be considered. To analyse a text through machines only NLP was best method. This focuses on five stages of NLP for detection of fake or real news. For creating vector to words a neural network technique word2vec was utilized for accurate prediction of word. For identifying meaning full words tokenization was utilized. By creating the vectors, the words have to be embedded for inputting the data to train and feature learning. In dense and dropout, the neural network method LSTM is initialized for the extraction of features or words. Dropout layer involves LSTM method for co-adopt the internal data. These layers mitigate overfitting by stochastically disabling neurons during training, hence fostering resilient feature acquisition. Dense layers, by use of non-linear mappings, allow the network to comprehend intricate patterns in data. This extensive investigation offers valuable insights into the development and fine-tuning of NLP models, which in turn enhances the accuracy of false news detection. To evaluate the performances epochs are utilized were accuracy and loss was validated. Five epochs are calculated were accuracy was gradually increased and loss had been decreased. The highest accuracy achieved was 99.8% and low loss value 0.01.