Gene editing technologies like the CRISPR-Cas9 system have forever changed the way we analyze genetics. As we now have a way to alter genetics, we can now investigate not just how a biological mechanism works, but wonder what we could do to make it better. This paper will discuss how biotechnology and gene editing are integrated into life sciences and biology, where most applications are found. It will be divided into four sections, each addressing how gene editing technology has advanced a field in life science. Firstly, the focus will be on viral detection systems SHERLOCK (Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter UnLOCKing) and DETECTR (DNA Endonuclease Targeting CRISPR Trans Reporter), and their importance to the current global pandemic as well as other applications. Then the attention will be diverted into the rapidly popularizing work on gene drives and attempts to drive the evolution of populations of species to benefit mankind. Next, we will discuss the link between biotechnology and species resurrection while discussing ongoing efforts and the ethics of such massive biodiversity shifts. And finally, we discuss possible solutions for the world's hunger crisis using biotechnology with a section on genetically modified crops. I hope to properly explain the growing applications of gene editing by the end of this paper.