“…Network security is ranked as one of the top priorities for future self-aware networks [17], which is why there is well established research in the field. Furthermore, while work in [20,31] focuses on a general defensive approach against DoS attacks in future networks, signalling storm specific research can roughly be categorised in the following groups: problem definition and attacks classification [4,28,29,39]; measurements in real operating networks [38], [10]; modelling and simulation [1,24]; impact of attacks on energy consumption [9,11]; attacks detection and mitigation, using counters [18,19,36], change-point detection techniques [30,40], IP packet analysis [26], randomisation in RRC's functions [41], software changes in the mobile terminal [7,32], monitoring terminal's bandwidth usage [37], and detection using techniques from Artificial Intelligence [2]. As we look to the future, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), various forms of attacks will also have to be considered [5,8].…”