The stratospheric ozone depletion and enhanced solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) irradiance may have adverse impacts on the productivity of agricultural crops. The effect of UV-B enhancements on agricultural crops includes reduction in yield, alteration in species competition, decrease in photosynthetic activity, susceptibility to disease, and changes in structure and pigmentation. Many studies have examined the influence of supplemental UV-B irradiance on different crops, but the effect of UV-B irradiance on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) crops has received little attention. Cotton is one of the most versatile of all the crops. It is a major fiber crop of the world and a major source of trade and economy in many countries. In this study, we provide quantitative examination of the effects of elevated UV-B irradiance on cotton plant (Sukang 103). The tested cotton crop was grown under natural and four regimes of supplemental UV-B irradiance in the field. With UV-B irradiance increased 9.5% throughout the growing season, the negative impacts on cotton growth included reductions in height of 14%, in leaf area of 29%, and in total biomass of 34%. Fiber quality was reduced and economic yield dropped 72%; an economic coefficient was reduced 58%. A brief discussion is included on how the impacts on cotton contrast with impacts that have been observed in other studies on other plants, including trees.