Lipoic acid and its reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid, are thought to be strong antioxidants. There are also reports of dihydrolipoic acid acting as a pro-oxidant under certain circumstances. This article reports the direct observation by ESR spectrometry of the disulfide radical anion and the spin trapping of the primary thiyl radical formed from the oxidation of dihydrolipoic acid through thiol pumping with phenol and horseradish peroxidase. The disulfide radical anion reacts rapidly with oxygen to form the reactive radical superoxide, which is also trapped. The radical species formed show a potential for pro-oxidant activity of this compound. Although antioxidants, in general, have been shown to have pro-oxidant potential, the pro-oxidant chemistry of dihydrolipoic acid has not been well characterized.There has been much recent interest in ␣-lipoic acid as a powerful antioxidant in animals based primarily on observations that it or its reduced form, dihydrolipoic acid, scavenges hydroxyl radical (1-3), superoxide (2), singlet oxygen (4, 5), and hypochlorous acid (1, 6, 7). In addition, lipoic acid recycles the well known antioxidants ascorbate, glutathione, and vitamin E by reducing their radical form back to the parent compound (8 -11). The antioxidant properties have been reviewed in several papers (12, 13) and so will not be extensively discussed here. Lipoic acid is used to treat toxicities in which free radicalinduced peroxidation of membrane phospholipids is thought to be important (14 -16) and, with vitamin E, has been shown to improve cardiac function after ischemia in rats (17).On the other hand, there are a limited number of reports describing potential pro-oxidant effects of dihydrolipoic acid such as releasing iron from ferritin (18), reducing Fe 3ϩ to Fe 2ϩ in microsomes (19), accelerating deoxyribose degradation by FeCl 3 -EDTA and H 2 O 2 (1), peroxidation of oxidized brain phospholipid liposomes in the presence of Fe 3ϩ (1), accelerating ␣ 1 -antiproteinase inactivation (1), and accelerating the loss of creatine kinase activity in plasma exposed to gas-phase cigarette smoke (1).The oxidation of thiols involves quite complicated chemistry and a number of free radical species (20 -28), each of which has the potential for causing damage in a biological system. It is possible to initiate this oxidation through a process referred to as "thiol pumping" in which a compound, typically a phenol, is metabolized to a reactive free radical by one of a number of peroxidase enzymes, and the radicals so formed are reduced by a thiol, forming a very reactive thiyl radical (29 -36). Thiyl and superoxide radicals produced in this manner from glutathione have been observed by spin trapping (29,31,33,34) while the glutathione disulfide radical anion has been observed directly with ESR (30).Investigators have, until now, been unable to detect sulfurcentered radicals from dihydrolipoic acid in such a system (31, 33) although superoxide production and cycling of the phenoxyl radical back to phenol indicate that the d...