Concrete, particularly if damaged, exhibits a peculiar nonlinear elastic behavior, which is mainly due to the coupling between nonequilibrium and nonlinear features, the two of which are intrinsically connected. More specifically, the formulation of a constitutive equation able to properly predict the dynamic behavior of damaged concrete is made difficult by the concomitant presence of two mechanisms: The modification of the microstructure of the medium and the transition to a new elastic state caused by a finite amplitude excitation (conditioning). Memory of that new state is kept when the excitation is removed, before relaxation back to the original elastic state takes place. Indeed, besides accounting for linear and nonlinear parameters, a realistic constitutive equation to be used in reliable prediction models should take into account nonequilibrium effects. Specific parameters, sensitive to finite amplitude excitations, should be introduced to provide information about conditioning effects. In this paper, experimental results indicating that nonlinearity of damaged concrete is memory-dependent will be presented and the implications of such findings in the development of physical models, with relevant outcomes for the characterization of hysteretical features, will be discussed.