The World Health Organization (WHO) considers the COVID-19 Coronavirus to be a global pandemic. The most effective form of protection is to wear a face mask in public places. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted all the countries to set up a lockdown to prevent viral transmission. According to a survey study, the use of facemasks at work decreases the chances of fast transmission. If the facemasks are not used or are worn incorrectly, it contributes to the third and fourth waves of the corona virus spreading throughout the world. This motivates us to conduct an efficient investigation of the face mask identification system and monitor people, who use suitable face mask in public places. Deep learning is the most effective approach for detecting whether or not a person is wearing a face mask in a crowded area. Using a multiclass deep learning technique, this research study proposes an efficient two stage identification (ETSI) for face mask detection. Whereas, the binary classification does not offer information about face mask detection and error. The proposed approach employs CNN's "ReLU" activation function to detect the face mask. Furthermore, in the current pandemic crisis, this research article offers a very efficient and precise approach for identifying COVID-19. Precision has increased as a result of the employment of a multi-class abbreviation in the final output.