We have shown [Mesa-Tejada, R., Keydar, I., Ramanarayanan, M., Ohno, T., Fenoglio (14). Because at most five sections are stained from each breast tumor, the percentage of positives detected must be an underestimate.It was of course gratifying to have extended to the protein level the relationship between human breast cancer and MMTV that was initially discovered in terms of nucleic acid sequence homology. The etiologic implications of these findings are of obvious interest but our immediate concern is the possibility that they might be used to generate clinically useful information. To this end, it was of interest to resolve certain issues regarding the nature of crossreactivity observed between the gp52 and the unique antigen found in the human breast cancers. In particular, it was of some importance to know whether the sugar or the protein moiety of the gp52 glycoprotein was responsible for its ability to block the immunological crossreaction with the antigen found in the breast cancer cells. Aside from its genetic implications, the outcome could materially influence the nature of our attempts to isolate and characterize the human tumorspecific antigen.It is the purpose of the present paper to present data that resolve this issue. The results establish that the antigenic crossreactivity between human breast cancer and gp52 glycoprotein resides in the polypeptide portion and not in the sugar residues of the latter protein. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact.