Klassevirus is a proposed new genus of picornavirus that has been associated with pediatric diarrhea. In this study, we used recombinant klassevirus 3C protease as the capture antigen for an indirect serological enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Four of six klassevirus reverse transcription (RT)-PCR-positive individuals demonstrated seroconversion against the 3C protease, suggesting that klassevirus infection and replication occur in humans. Additional screening of 353 samples from an age-banded serological cohort from two St. Louis hospitals indicated a seroprevalence of 6.8%.Klassevirus is the prototype member of a new picornavirus genus that has recently been discovered in human stool (3,4,7). Phylogenetic analysis shows klassevirus is most closely related to Aichi virus, a known cause of oyster-associated gastroenteritis in humans. Molecular detection studies have found klassevirus in pediatric stool and municipal sewage from the United States, Spain, Australia, Tunisia, and Nigeria (3, 4, 7). A small case control study found a statistically significant association between klassevirus and pediatric diarrhea (7). Furthermore, klassevirus RNA has been detected in high titer in pediatric stool (3). However, klassevirus has not yet been detected in any sterile sites in the human body, and thus it is still not clear whether the presence of the virus in stool represents a bona fide human infection.In this study, we established a serological assay for klassevirus infection using recombinant klassevirus 3C protease to demonstrate seroconversion and human infection and to test for seroprevalence in an age-banded pediatric cohort from hospitals in the St. Louis area. Klassevirus 3C protease shares only 38% amino acid identity and only one potential 7-mer epitope with its closest relative, the 3C protease of Aichi virus. Previous studies of hepatitis A virus (HAV), a prototypic picornavirus, indicate that antibodies are made against the picornaviral 3C protease during bona fide picornavirus replication and thus can distinguish between vaccinated and actively infected chimpanzees, humans, and tamarins (5, 9).
MATERIALS AND METHODSExpression and purification of 3C protease. The klassevirus 3C protease gene (nucleotides [nt] 5825 to 6409 from strain 2394-01; NC_012986.1) flanked with NdeI and XhoI restriction sites was amplified from stool total RNA by reverse transcription (RT)-PCR with the following primers: klasse3C-NdeI (5Ј-CATAT GGGTTTCGACCCTGCCGTCATGAAG-3Ј and klasse3C-XhoI (5Ј-CTCGAG TCATCACTGAGGTGTGGCCAGGTTAGAGA-3Ј) (restriction sites italicized and stop codons underlined). The resulting product was sequence confirmed, digested with NdeI and XhoI, and subcloned into NdeI/XhoI-digested pET15b (Novagen), which contains a 6ϫHis tag on the N terminus. The sequenceconfirmed pET15b vector containing the klassevirus 3C gene was transformed into Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)LysS/pRIL and recombinant 6ϫHis-klassevirus 3C protein expression was induced with 1 mM IPTG (isopropyl--D-thiogalactopyranoside) at 37°C for 5...