Quantification of the O-atom concentration is particularly important for testing the detailed kinetic mechanisms in flames. In this work, relative concentrations of O-atoms are measured by using the two-photon Laser-Induced Fluorescence method (TPLIF). The direct calibration for determining the absolute O-atom mole fraction is achieved by comparing alternately the integrated TPLIF signals from the atomic oxygen and from a known quantity of a noble gas (Xe). Both species have close spectral features with a two-photon absorption around 225 nm, while the fluorescence signals are collected around 844 and 834 nm for O-atom and Xe, respectively.Application of this method previously adopted in plasma environments is demonstrated here for the first time in low-pressure hydrocarbon flames. One major achievement in this work is that the O and Xe fluorescence signals are measured in the flame, thus allowing to properly correcting for the quenching rate of both species in this high temperature environment. Due to the fast quenching rates of O-atom and of Xe in the N2 diluted flames, a specific flame diluted in Ar was stabilized at 2.8 kPa for the calibration procedure. From Stern-Volmer plots obtained in a large pressure range of flames, the quenching rate determination could be extended to nitrogen-diluted flames. Then, the O-atom profiles were measured in absolute mole fraction in three lowpressure (5.3 kPa) premixed flames of CH4/O2/N2 with equivalence ratios equal to 0.8, 1.0 and 1.25. The experimental profiles O-atom mole fraction profiles are compared to the simulated ones. Their gradient locations and the absolute mole fractions at 25 mm are found in good agreement. However, the simulated profiles do not capture the experimental continuous decrease of O in the burnt gases.