Engineering analyses are associated with two key challenges; they must be realistic and numerically efficient. A realistic analysis requires a proper description of the physics of the underlying problem in the numerical model. In the case of complex problems or physics this can easily lead to a quite high computational cost in order to arrive at reasonably realistic results. If the available information about the physics and the problem is vague and limited, a numerical model cannot be formulated with sufficient confidence. In engineering design additional requirements need to be considered to ensure products to serve their purpose. This includes robust design to compensate deviations from normal conditions and even unforeseen events. Also, decision margins are often desired to provide flexibility in variant development and more freedom in use. Challenges are then to translate the requirements into numerical descriptions, to identify the most suitable design solutions that meet the various requirements, to find variants there of and to compare them with one another. In these contexts, engineers have sought help from computational intelligence in various forms and for various purposes. This keynote lecture provides insight in civil and mechanical engineering approaches to develop solutions to the described challenges with the aid of computational intelligence. Selected developments are discussed with focus on the added value for engineering analyses and are demonstrated on industrial examples. These developments include processing of vague information as fuzzy sets with evolutionary concepts [1,2] and their use in design [3], efficient stochastic analysis with meta models [4,5] and process simulation [6,7] based on neural networks, robust design [3] and identification of critical mechanical behavior [8] with the aid of cluster analysis methods. The examples include dynamical analyses of civil engineering structures and of an aerospace structure, as well as nonlinear dynamical problems in crashworthiness analysis.
AbstractThe keynote lecture addresses practical examples of the fuzzy computing in ground vehicle engineering. Particular attention will be placed on identification tasks having diverse variants of uncertainty.The introductory part of the lecture gives an overview of fuzzy applications to various domains of automotive engineering and control. Starting from pioneer works of Sugeno, Mamdani and other distinguished scientists, fuzzy methods have found practical use in chassis design, vehicle dynamics control, driver assistance systems, and so on. This will be illustrated with several examples and analysis of actual trends.Next parts of the lecture deals with the role of fuzzy identification in ground vehicle engineering. In this context various research problems are being introduced that can be relevant to autonomous driving, automotive control, human-machine interface and other subjects.