We report the characteristic optical responses of one-dimensional semiconducting oxide nanomaterials by examining the individual nanorods (NRs) of ZnO, SnO 2 , indium tin oxide, and zinc tin oxide under precisely controlled, light-matter interaction geometry. Scattering signals from a large set of NRs of the different types are evaluated spatially along the NR length while varying the NR tilt angle, incident light polarization, and analyzer rotation. Subsequently, we identify materialindiscriminate, NR tilt angle-and incident polarization-dependent scattering behaviors exhibiting continuous, intermittent, and discrete responses. The insight gained from this study can advance our fundamental understanding of the optical behaviors of the technologically useful nanomaterials and, at the same time, promote the development of highly miniaturized, photonic and bio-optical devices utilizing the spatially controllable, optical responses of the individual semiconducting oxide NRs. [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24] In many of these technologically important applications, the fundamental optical properties of 1D SO nanomaterials govern their functional outcomes. Light can produce various optical and optoelectronic responses from the materials and, therefore, light-matter interactions can be engineered to produce desirable optical properties such as spontaneous and stimulated emission, 1,25-29 waveguiding, 1-3 and evanescence field enhancement. 4,[30][31][32] Such examples can be seen in the research efforts previously reported for the development of SO nanomaterials for applications in nanoscale lasers, 25,26,29 subwavelength waveguides, 1-3,33,34 and biodetection platforms. 17,18,20,23,24,33,35 Specifically, nanomaterials of zinc oxide (ZnO), tin oxide (SnO 2 ), indium tin oxide (ITO), and zinc tin oxide (ZTO) have been widely utilized as signal transduction elements in optical detection devices. 5,8,36,37 These past applications have primarily exploited the optical properties of bulk materials or ensembles of nanomaterials. With the ever-growing demand for device and sensor miniaturization, novel constructs with highly reduced dimensions have also been explored recently. Therefore, elucidating the exact light interaction profiles with individual nanostructures can provide much needed insight and further benefit the burgeoning efforts in single nanorod (NR) optical, optoelectronic, and biosensing devices.In this study, we carry out dark-field (DF) experiments in a forward scattering geometry and investigate the fundamental optical responses of individual nanomaterials by systematically controlling the interaction angle between the direction of an incident light oscillation and the main crystal axis of a nanomaterial. 1D nanomaterials, specifically NR forms of ZnO, SnO 2 , ITO, and ZTO are examined for their interaction angle-dependent, elastic scattering profiles. We determine characteristic scattering responses from each position along the main axis of the SO NRs while controlling the NR orientation, incident light p...