Water quality assessment relies mostly on physico-chemical based characterization however, eutrophication and climate change advocate the abundance of toxic microcystins (MCs) producing cyanobacteria as emerging bio-indicator. In the present study, a spatial-temporal analysis was carried out at ten sampling sites of Prayagraj and Varanasi during June 2017 and March 2018 to determine the Ganga River water quality using physico-chemical parameters, cyanobacteria diversity, detection of MCs producing strains and MC-LR equivalence. Coliform bacteria, COD, NO 3 -N and phosphate are the signi cant contaminated parameters favoring the growth of putative MCs producing cyanobacteria. National Sanitation Foundation WQI (NSFWQI) indicates water quality, either bad or medium category at sampling points. The morphological analysis con rms the occurrence of diverse cyanobacterial genera such as Microcystis, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Phormidium etc. PCR ampli cation a rmed the presence of toxic microcystin (mcy) genes in uncultured cyanobacteria at all the sampling sites. The concentration of MC-LR equivalence in water samples by protein phosphatase 1 inhibition assay (PPIA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods was observed in the range of 23.4-172 ng/L and 13.2-97.5 ng/L respectively which is lower than the harmful exposure limit by World Health Organization (WHO). Ganga isolate 1 was identi ed as Microcystis based on partial 16S rDNA sequence and its toxicity was con rmed due to presence of mcy genes and MCs production potential. These ndings suggest the presence of MCs producers as new emerging parameter to monitor water quality index and identi cation up to species level will be valuable for restoration strategies of river Ganga.
Conductivity(mho/cm) 304 293 308 402 374 309 352 293 386 372 273 245 294 304 TSS(mg/L)