To facilitate the diagnosis of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) infections in humansEnterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a major cause of sporadic diarrheal disease in humans, affecting mainly children in developing countries (1,3,21) and travelers from industrialized countries visiting tropical or subtropical areas (9). ETEC strains have also caused waterborne outbreaks on cruise ships (6), food-borne outbreaks at schools (16) and restaurants (5, 11), and outbreaks among persons serving in the military (12,20,27). ETEC strains from humans cause mild or severe watery diarrhea by producing a heat-labile enterotoxin (LT I) (similar in structure to cholera toxin), heat-stable enterotoxins (ST Ia and/or ST Ib), or both (17).Initially, detection of ETEC strains was accomplished with animal assays and cell culture techniques that required specific antibodies to reliably demonstrate the presence of the target enterotoxins. Later, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays and membrane-based DNA hybridization assays, which improved speed and ease of use, became popular. Further enhancements in methods for the detection of ETEC gave rise to PCR assays (18,24,26,28). These assays were attractive alternatives to the earlier methods because of their sensitivity and specificity, as well as their speed and use of readily available reagents. Recent advances in PCR amplification and fluorescence-based detection technologies have brought significant improvements to conventional block cycler PCR assays, thereby enabling the simultaneous, sequence-specific detection of multiple products in real time. The development of thermal cyclers with the ability to rapidly amplify genes and the capacity to continuously monitor the accumulation of specific PCR products labeled with fluorescent probes obviates the need for labor-intensive agarose gel procedures and provides a real-time, reliable identification of target genes (2,7,14,15,22,23).In the present study, we describe the development and evaluation of a set of real-time PCR assays for the LightCycler (LC) (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany), using primers and hybridization probes that target the LT I, ST Ia (also referred to as STp), and ST Ib (also referred to as STh) genes. We used the hybridization probe format for these assays because it permitted a melting curve analysis to be performed after the amplification phase to achieve additional characterization of the target genes. The availability of rapid and specific assays for the detection and characterization of ETEC should