We consider soft-photon effects ͑ir structure of QED͒ on the construction of physical qubits. Soft photons appear when we build charged qubits from the asymptotic states of QED. This construction is necessary in order to include the effect of soft photons on entanglement measures. The nonexistence of free charged particles ͑due to the long range of QED interactions͒ leads us to question the sense of the very concept of free charged qubit. In this work, using the "dressing" formalism, we build physical charged qubits from dressed fields which have the correct asymptotic behavior, are gauge invariant, have propagators with a particle pole structure, and are free from infrared divergences. Finally, we discuss the impact of the soft corrections on the entanglement measures. Relativistic quantum information is quite a novel area of research whose scope covers the effect of Lorentz transformations on entanglement measures to the information content of black holes ͓1-13͔. Included among its main tasks should be the suitable treatment of the divergences that plague quantum field theories. In this work we address the infrared problem in the construction of charged qubits.The infrared divergences of QED are intimately connected to the fact that the very concept of free charged particle is alien to the theory ͓14-16͔. Since the asymptotic limit of the QED Hamiltonian is not the free one, residual Coulomb-type interactions remain for t → ϱ. So, the electromagnetic ͑EM͒ interactions of charged particles never switch off and, as a consequence, they are always surrounded by a soft-photon cloud whose inescapable presence has been argued in quantum information against the conception of free charged qubits. It has been used to say that the physical realization of a single charged qubit is itself an idealization ͓3͔ and that it should be upgraded with all the multi-softphoton components.We will show below that if we try to build the charged qubits taking into account the asymptotic interaction, another problem will come up: the states that evolve with the asymptotic Hamiltonian are not gauge invariant and, hence, they cannot be conceived as a physical entity. In addition, for these states we no longer obtain a polelike contribution in the energy spectrum of the charged particles associated with their masses ͓17͔.Seemingly, all these arguments indicate that we cannot speak about physical charged qubits in QED. However, there is a method of recovering physical states from asymptotic QED: it is the dressing formalism ͓16͔, which we will use to build physical charged qubits overcoming all the above problems.The dressing formalism restores the gauge invariance of the asymptotic states, preserving their dynamics. The dressed fields, which are surrounded by soft-photon clouds, turn to be asymptotically well behaved, their propagators having a proper pole structure, and-crucial for our purposes-the S-matrix elements constructed in terms of dressed fields are ir finite ͓18͔. In this work we build dressed two qubits states that are physical...